You are my redeemer
my savior and my healer
you're the alpha, the omega
you're the all consuming fire
and you are mine.
yes, you are mine.
who am I
to deserve all that you've done?
who am I
that you sacrificed your son?
I am powerless and small
but you're the everlasting one
and you are mine.
yes, you are mine.
and even though
I'm broken and weak
even though I'm flawed
your blood has rescued me
and now I'm fine
you've brought this heart to life
and you are mine.
yes, you are mine.
you've chosen me
and I've chosen you
through your cross I've been redeemed
taken apart and made brand new
I'm so revived
and you are mine.
yes, you are mine.
I am so very proud of you for blogging consistently this week! I know that it is a hard thing to keep up...I can't even remember to post a daily "thankful" status on Facebook!